
Prompt: What pisses you off?

There is so much about this world and humanity that actually makes me so angry it hurts. I thought I would make a list for this prompt, to fit it all on the page.

It pisses me off that…

  • No one seems to care about Ebola in Africa, but when it comes to the US we all freak out even though we are much more equipped to deal with an outbreak like that with our modern medical facilities.ย  More here. (Thanks for this article link, Chris L.)
  • People can be so high and mighty about food choices. It is incredibly insensitive to folks who are low-income, have eating disorders or other mental illnesses, or have physical conditions that make eating things other than processed, non-organic foods difficult, if not impossible.ย  More here. (Thanks for the article link, Jarymar A.)
  • “It’s easier to get Ebola in Texas than an abortion.” –@Morgan_Murphy on twitter.
  • Global warming is happening. It is starting to piss nature off too.

And finally, it really pisses me off that people rarely ask me directly how I am doing with my grief. They tend to shy away from bringing up that my mother died. Those of you who have reached out are freaking awesome. Everyone else, I get it. It’s uncomfortable. But we are all going to die some day. We are all going to lose our parents and it sucks.

What pisses you off? What makes you so angry you want to yell or jump up and down? Tell me below in the comments!

2 replies on “Prompt: What pisses you off?”

First, I’m so happy you started blogging again! I look forward to following your journey. I’ve had two, what I call, “rock bottoms” in my life. One after my dad passed away in 2003, the other in the midst of an abusive relationship. And, the one thing I learned is that the greatest periods of personal growth, are after these moments of difficulty in life. You’re amazing. You always have been, and you’re going to go far. Welcome back to the blog-o-sphere.

Anyway, back to your question. I try my best not to let myself get angry about most things. I try and turn it into determination instead. Determination to prove people wrong, or to create a change. It helps. ๐Ÿ™‚ But, I’d have to say the thing that grinds on my nerves the most is the phrase “You can’t.” or “I can’t.” Any general lack of support or naysayers when I or anyone else discusses their dreams. I don’t care if you’re trying to be realistic or set my expectations or whatever. I’m a firm believer that anything is possible, and for someone to outright tell me that I’m wrong puts a fire in my chest. I’m a dreamer, don’t tell me I can’t!

This resonates with me so much! I have had so many people in my life (to this day) tell me “I can’t” when I am talking about my dreams or aspirations or even things I like to do. I have had to learn to give those people very limited time and rarely discuss dreams or projects with them anymore, assuming I can’t cut them out of my life completely!

And yes, I do think this is a period of growth for myself. I am happy to hear that you have bounced back after other rock bottoms. You seem to be doing extremely well if facebook has been accurate. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for following along and leaving the comment. It is much appreciated!

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